Ep #23 Devotion, Relationships, Kirtan, and Bhakti Yoga, with Audrey & Chris Sarquilla

Ep #23 Devotion, Relationships, Kirtan, and Bhakti Yoga, with Audrey & Chris Sarquilla

Welcome to the How To Die Happy Podcast, where we explore a wide range of topics designed to help us master the world we live in and find true happiness.

In a world that seems to be addicted to suffering, we believe that there are incredible opportunities for change and growth provided with the right information and stimulus.

This week, we had the pleasure of speaking with ⁠Audrey and Chris Sarquilla⁠, an extraordinary couple who live and work on the beautiful Bukit Peninsula of Bali. Audrey and Chris practice and share the world of Bhakti Yoga and Kirtan, a group singing practice that involves chanting mantras alongside instruments, including the harmonium.

Bhakti Yoga is a Hindu spiritual path that focuses on loving devotion to the divine. It is one of the three classical paths in Hinduism that lead to Moksha, or the transcendental state attained from being released from the cycle of rebirth. The Sanskrit word bhakti, which means "to adore or worship God," has been called "love for love's sake" and "union through love and devotion".

During our conversation with Audrey and Chris, we explored the history and meaning behind Bhakti Yoga and Kirtan. We also discussed the importance of devotion in our daily lives and relationships.

As we navigate our busy lives, we must practice devotion towards ourselves, our families, and our partners. Audrey shared that devotion is a practice of sitting in love and gratitude for all we have. It can start with a thought and then become a feeling, and it often comes from a sense of awe in our daily lives.

Kirtan is a beautiful expression of devotion that involves call-and-response singing and chanting. Its rich history dates back thousands of years and is a deeply spiritual practice. Kirtan is about creating a space for connection, joy, and freedom where families and individuals can come together to sing, dance, and be.

Audrey and Chris also shared their music with us during the podcast, and we encourage you to check out their music on Spotify.

We hope our conversation with Audrey and Chris has inspired you to explore the world of Bhakti Yoga and Kirtan and to embrace devotion in your daily life. Whether you are new to yoga or have been practising for years, there is something beautiful and meaningful to discover in this ancient tradition.

We were also blessed to have Audrey & Chris play a couple of songs. You can find some of their music on ⁠Spotify⁠. Enjoy.


Thank you for tuning in to the How To Die Happy Podcast. We love hearing from our listeners, so please send us a ⁠voice message⁠ with any questions or comments you may have.

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